About “EMC-Squared”

EMC-Squared is my fourth novel / novella.  For the third time in four books, I’ve struck off towards a new genre and setting.

“Film Noir meets the 1980s in the space between Earth, Mars and Venus.

Vic Rimmer, the independent captain of the interplanetary freighter “Spanish Train” meets the beautiful and brainy Doctor Cosette Toussaint, a French research professor on Venus.  She needs to have herself and her secret research project taken from Venus to Mars, by way of Luna.  The offer looks too good to pass up for Vic, but soon it becomes obvious that the stakes on this premium ship charter are higher than he could have imagined.” — Description on Tablo

Chapter-by-Chapter release with intended weekly updates & Free-To-Read.

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Tablo Tags: #romance #adventure #science-fiction #80s #film-noir