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Month: May 2018

For Me, Tablo Is A Dead End

Post Views: 2,482 I’ve been working on two stories on Tablo, the free-to-read and help-to-publish website that is rather good to use. As I say over on my Author Info page, they are a pair of novellas;  the first one, titled “EMC-Squared” is going through the artwork & editing stage.  The second one, titled “the Juliet Gambit“, at the time of this blog post is in the first-draft / work-in-progress stage. Over all, for a “live beta”, the service is pretty good.  There are a few annoying quirks, such as status pages that don’t reflect current stats, or “BookWorm” values that seem fixed in place for days at a time, regardless of other information on the site telling you differently.  I’m a Safari web browser user, since I…