What Is Steampunk?

Quotes From The Twitterverse & Beyond:

@themeltingclock: #Steampunk takes the best pieces of the past and assembles them into something new and beautiful…

@Jaxom_TheHawker: #Steampunk is a romantic view of a time wrought with cntrol and poverty. But also where mankind could do anything the mind imagined.

Phil Foglio: #Steampunk fiction is about when technology can save humanity. It isn’t the problem, it is the solution.

Jake von Slatt (@vonslatt): #Steampunk: Lures you in w/ brass cogs then tells you 21st century will be more like the 19th than the 20th. Introduces you to anarchists.

S Stinnett (@McClayTribe):  #Steampunk artists fill the landscape with gorgeous functional pieces made mostly of cast off materials.

Michel’s Definition

You can find a blog post on my definition and thoughts about “what is steampunk?”  via this link.  Let me know what you think

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