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Day: December 1, 2011

In The End

Post Views: 381 3,013,745,127 shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be 3,013,745,127. … Five is right out. My apologies to Monty Python there, but that number — 3,013,745,127 — is a pretty impressive number, because it is a group number. The group are those harried spirits taking part in National Novel Writing Month (aka NaNoWriMo ) . From November 1st to the 30th, for “thirty days and nights of literary abandon”, people from around the world come together in a virtual challenge to themselves and to each other … from a standing start, armed with nothing more than your inspiration and maybe a plot outline, craft a novel of 50,000 words. For those of you who are less than mathematically inclined,…

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