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Day: June 21, 2012

Can you sign my e-reader?

Post Views: 162 So we all love our e-readers, regardless if they are dedicated devices, or software piggy-backing on our tablets or smartphones. You can carry your favorite books with you anytime, all the time, and never a gram of added weight. However, this does have the unfortunate side-effect of killing one of those visceral delights book-lovers seem to universally have: getting a cherished book signed by the author. It’s not like they can sign the screen on your Kindle or Kobo; well, I suppose they -could- but it would limit it’s usefulness somewhat. At Steamcon last year, one author panel on electronic publishing talked about this. Some ideas were cover-art postcards, book plates, or even double-sized business cards featuring a QR code-block on them to help your…

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