Are You Crew?

Well, look at that! It’s the first Friday in December! That means I have a contest to announce!

Are you a fan of The Sauder Diaries? Do you think that you’d fit right in with Hans, Annika, Arrietta and the rest of the scoundrels of the Bloody Rose? Are you pretty damn sure you wouldn’t be owing anyone 10% of your pay shares?

Here’s your chance! Send me an email to “”, with the subject of “I’m Crew!”. In your email, tell me what pirate name you’d use aboard the Bloody Rose; what job you’d be doing (engineer, gunner-marine, deck crew, steward, watch officer); who your favorite character is and why; and if you could get to ask them one question, what would it be?

Myself and a few anonymous judges will go through the emails we get and choose three winners. The judging criteria is “eye of the beholder”, so be sure to make your entry interesting!

Top spots get cover art posters from “A Bloodier Rose”! The best entry of those three gets a cameo appearance in the upcoming Sauder book, tentatively titled “Between Two Thorns“, that I’ll be starting in the new year. Your “pirate” alter-ego will be part of the crew, be in a scene with your favorite character, and if I can manage it, your question will be answered as part of a “taking tea” scene.

Contest closes on the 30th of January 2013. All entrants must agree to have their “pirate name”, suggested content and related matter used without claim or royalty. All entry emails will be acknowledged, but that is no guarantee of winning. Winners will be announced after the selection process, and announced on the “Split Horizons” blog.