The Sauder Diaries On Six Sunday – 12 Feb 2012

From “The Sauder Diaries — By Any Other Name“:

“Thieves we are,” Blackheart said in an incongruously conversational tone. “But we steal far, far less than the governments waste in needless ‘improvements’ to Dragons, Chimera, Galvanotaurs and the like to feed the ravenous maw their own debased ‘national pride’ and ‘national interests’.”
“The Crimean war ended years ago, but still the governments of Europe, the Baltic, and North Africa waste time, money, materials, and lives building better engines of destruction. I can assure you, Mister Sauder, that while some of my crew are indeed killers, none are nearly the murderers as the scientists, politicians and nobles you so highly respect.”
“And as for being reviled,” Blackheart laughed aloud. “For an educated man, you seem to miss important topics from your understanding.”

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6 thoughts on “The Sauder Diaries On Six Sunday – 12 Feb 2012

  1. “I can assure you, Mister Sauder, that while some of my crew are indeed killers, none are nearly the murderers as the scientists, politicians and nobles you so highly respect.” – great line, and great snippet!

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