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Month: February 2012

More Thoughts on the Economics of Authorspace – It’s a business … who knew?

Post Views: 2,277 Alright, I am obliged to confess to being a bit embarrassed. I run a small business, and I’ve been in charge of $100k IT budgets. So I was rather gobsmacked to read an article at “Rob On Writing”  that told me I was clueless about my approach to figuring out a reasonable price for my books. Why? Well, because I’m a production shop, and I have a cost per unit and I need to know what that is. Huh? Wait, what? I’m an artist, right? A story teller? A creative spirit? What do you mean I’ve got cost per unit to calculate? Go read the article, but let me give you the short version: if you’re Indie publishing, this shit’s not free. No, really! It…