The Sauder Diaries On Six Sunday – 29 July 2012

From “The Sauder Diaries — By Any Other Name“:

As soon as they had departed at full power, Hans had been called to the Captain’s cabin from his post in the Propulsion Room. He had not known quite what to expect when he arrived, but the ensuing conversation between the German and the Englishman was even beyond that.
“The Bloody Rose is now armed with some of the most advanced weapons available anywhere, Mister Sauder,” Blackheart said as he paced slowly about the cabin. “One of those Cudahawks would cripple a vessel our size at over a mile. The balloon mines require a mind with a keen sense of analytical thinking and a skill for mathematics to deploy properly.”
“They are, in a word, useless.”

“The Sauder Diaries” is an adventure-romance set in Steampunk Victorian-era Europe. The main character, Hans Sauder, is Shanghaied into being a member of one of the most infamous airship crews of the continent.

If you’re not familiar with “Six Sentence Sunday”, swing over to and take a look. Its a great idea; dozens of authors submitting the punchiest six lines out of existing or soon-to-arrive stories. Browse them; see what hooks you.

Hit the “Six Sunday” tag either at the end of this post or in the tag cloud on this page to see more of these here on “Split Horizons”.

Interested in reading more of “The Sauder Diaries – By Any Other Name”?  You can either pick up your own copy or read the first couple of chapters free at Amazon: