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Day: September 23, 2012

The Sauder Diaries On Six Sunday – 23 September 2012

Post Views: 283 From “The Sauder Diaries — A Bloodier Rose “: A warm breeze swept up a symphony of early summer scents that washed over them as they stepped down from the carriage. The farm house was done in a crisp white with green trim, and copper-roofed. Surrounding it was a small collection of outbuildings associated with the various needs of the farm, all done in a like colour scheme. Perhaps a dozen workers were around the place, all at various stages of the morning’s work for the farm. None of them were paying very much attention at all to the well-dressed and newly arrived couple. As Hans and Annika looked around momentarily, the front door to the two-story farm house opened, and Bellingham appeared. If you’re…