Read an Ebook Week 2014

Read an Ebook Week 2014

Read an Ebook Week 2014

Hi, everyone!  I just wanted to let you know that this week, both books in “The Sauder Diaries” are on sale for 50% off at Smashwords!  That means both E-Books for less than $5!

Stop by my Smashwords site with the coupon code REW50 and pick up a copy for yourself or someone you think might be interested in what’s been called some of “… the best long-form indie Steampunk…” available today, as well as “…a DIAMOND in the world of STEAMPUNK books…“.

Once you’ve taken a look at my stuff, swing by the main “Read an E-Book Week” page for literally hundreds of deals on eBooks from other indie authors.

Post a reply here and let me know if you took advantage of the sale and who you bought the book for.  I’d love to hear what you thought of the sale, of the Smashwords experience, and, of course, if you liked the books!

“The Sauder Diaries – By Any Other Name” – On Smashwords

“The Sauder Diaries – A Bloodier Rose” – On Smashwords