Progress update on the “Lazarus Edition”

The hope had been to have the “The Sauder Diaries – By Any Other Name” republished for April 1st. However, I’m personally not happy where the editing stands at this time.
Essentially, I’m re-polishing the entire book. There were a lot of spots in the Trestle Edition that the book would have benefited from a proper editing job.

So, what about you folks who bought the Trestle Edition? Well, the plan is that when the “Lazarus Edition” goes up on Smashwords, if you send me proof-of-purchase from either Barnes & Noble or Amazon of the Trestle Edition, then I’ll give you a voucher for a free copy of the Lazarus Edition. That seems fair to me. Let me know what you think.

I am hoping to get the Lazarus Edition published on Amazon within two weeks. I’ve got a lot of work left to do, but that’s my hope. I’ll let you know as things progress.

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