“The Sauder Diaries – By Any Other Name”, Lazarus Edition, available for sale on Amazon

“Lately it occurs to me what a long, strange trip it’s been.” – Truckin’ by Grateful Dead

I am very pleased to announce that the “Lazarus Edition” of “The Sauder Diaries – By Any Other Name” is finally now available for sale on Amazon at the price of $5.65.

As I say on the “Dedications” Page:

To the fans, for understanding why it was important that this be the “Lazarus Edition” and who patiently waited for the pirates & friends of the Bloody Rose to get back under sail.

Cover Art, "The Sauder Diaries - By Any Other Name", Lazarus EditionThe current release is being advanced under Amazon’s “KDP Select” program.  That means that for now, the electronic copy will only be available on Amazon until September 09, 2012.  In exchange, it’s part of their lending library, they do a ton of interesting promotions, and it offers me a chance to position the book as I want it prior to the release of “A Bloodier Rose”.

On or around September 10th, 2012, it will be available via every other format known to electronic publishing via Smashwords.  I realize that not everyone is a Kindle owner, but the sales stats from the previous edition were something like 53 to 1 in favor of Kindle.

But Wait!  Don’t Panic!  Towards the end of this month, the trade paperback edition will be available. I already have proof copies in my hands, and I’m going through the process right now of reviewing them.  If all goes well, I’ll be done that by the middle of next week and then you’ll be able to order them by ISBN from your local book store or online.

Thanks to one and all for your support and encouragement during the process of getting the Lazarus Edition onto the virtual shelves, and soon onto the brick-and-mortar ones.


Useful Info:

ISBN Title Product Form Publication Status
978-0-9879819-0-5 The Sauder Diaries (Kindle) Electronic Available
978-0-9879819-1-2 The Sauder Diaries Trade Paperback Expected End June 2012

Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) for Kindle : B008AP8VJE

Get your Kindle book “signed”  – http://www.kindlegraph.com/authors/MichelV69

Purchase Online at Amazon:

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