The Sauder Diaries On Six Sunday – 22 July 2012

From “The Sauder Diaries — By Any Other Name“:

Blackheart looked at Hans levelly. “Mister Sauder, can I trust you with my Propulsion Room and the lives of my crew? You once made it clear that you would not shed many tears if I came to an unplanned end. So I need you to look me in the eye and give me your word I can trust you with the lives of my crew.”
Hans looked at his foot for a long time. He was aware everyone was watching him.

If you’re not familiar with “Six Sentence Sunday”, swing over to and take a look. Its a great idea; dozens of authors submitting the punchiest six lines out of existing or soon-to-arrive stories. Browse them; see what hooks you.

Hit the “Six Sunday” tag either at the end of this post or in the tag cloud on this page to see more of these here on “Split Horizons”.

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